"Once there came a vision glorious,
Mystic, dreadful, wondrous fair;
Burned itself into his spirit,
And abode for ever there!
Never more - from that sweet moment -
Gazed he on womankind;
He was dumb to love and wooing
And to all their graces blind.
Full of love for that sweet vision,
Brave and pure he took the field;
With his blood he stained the letters N.P.B. upon his shield.
"Lumen caeli, sancta Rosa!"
Shouting on the foe he fell,
And like thunder rang his war-cry
O'er the cowering infidel.
Then within his distant castle,
Home returned, he dreamed his days-
Silent, sad, - and when death took him
He was mad, the legend says."
in The Idiot, Fyodor Dostoevsky

Trata-se de um excerto de um poema
de Pushkin, citado n'O Idiota. As personagens
de Dostoievski apelidam-no de "pobre cavaleiro"...
Como qualificar de "pobre" quem ama para além da lucidez?
de Pushkin, citado n'O Idiota. As personagens
de Dostoievski apelidam-no de "pobre cavaleiro"...
Como qualificar de "pobre" quem ama para além da lucidez?
1 comment:
Good words.
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